Step into Life
- First Pharmacy
- Filming , Editing, Motion Graphics
- 2019
We were delighted to bring a new face to First pharmacy's brand by taking their clients to another world of wellness with amazing transitions to forest green, clean streams, and all things nature. Nature in the pharmacy's stores was brought to life through this video leaving a patient feeling better already when they come to the pharmacy.
The Brief
First pharmacy is a line of pharmacies in Uganda that deals in all types of medicine as well as general health and fitness consultancy with various branches in Kampala. We were delighted to bring a new face to First pharmacy's brand by taking their clients to another world of wellness with amazing transitions to forest green, clean streams, and all things nature. First Pharmacy needed a video that embodied their brand and carried their desire to leave clients healed, refreshed and at peace. The client hoped to run the AD in their stores and on social media pages.