Stromme Foundation East Africa
- Stromme
- 2017
Stromme Foundation is a Norwegian based international development organization that has, since 1976, worked to help people in Asia, South America, West and Eastern Africa get out of poverty. The Organization needed a revamped online presence that would effectively articulate and showcase their work. “The new website fuses the visual expression cultures of Norway and East Africa. Subtle afro-patterns beautifully complement the purist Scandinavian-design language enabling carefully crafted layouts that elevate Stromme’s impact in East Africa.” – Arthur Nakkaka, Design Director, Addmaya “The revamp of the website has made it fun, attractive, relatable in regards to what we do, where we work, who we do it for and our wider audience. It’s also user friendly as one can easily get information on Stromme Foundation East Africa.” – May Kamoga, Regional Programs Manager, SF